Hi everybody!
Well, let's see, since I last posted, my mom has visited, I went to Bath and also went to visit the Scotts again!
My mom and I had a really great time. We saw lots of fantastic plays and spent time together every day.
I was very sad when she had to go home.
This Friday, I went to Bath and got to see the Roman Baths. I even got to taste some of the spring water. Bath has England's only hotspring and it has long been thought that the water has magical or healing properties. It sort of tasted metallic and sulfuric, like if you hard-boiled eggs in a metal pot and then drank the water once it cooled off to sort of a lukewarm temperature. Not too bad ( ;
On Saturday, I took the train to Chesterfield and met up with Lee. He, Chris, Francesca and Stephen took me to see caves of Blue John ( a special stone that is unique to the area) and even bought me a necklace and earrings with Blue John stone in it. We also took a nice, scenic drive around the countryside in search of a town where the plague hit, but we didn't end up making it there, I didn't mind, but the family teased Lee endlessly for the rest of the weekend ( ;
Then we had a really nice dinner with most of the family at the Dog and Duck. Everyone came back to Chris and Lee's for coffee afterwards. It was a really nice time. By the time I got to bed, I was exhausted!
On Sunday, we went to Whitby, which is a seaside town. I tried fish and chips and chowder (the chowder was sort of an accident, but it tasted good) and we had a really good time looking around all the little shops. At one point, there was a big commotion and a window was broken at this fortune-telling place and this woman came out screaming that she was a thief. It was pretty exciting! ( ; There is also a creepy church where Dracula was supposed to have landed when he arrived in England! We went inside and got to look around.
Then, we went to Robin Hood's Bay and looked around. The sea is pretty dark here and choppy. It's very pretty though!
I went home on a pretty late train and was bored out of my mind the whole way home, but at leaat it was fast AND I sat on first-class the whole way! Noone even asked to look at my ticket and I got complimentary tea and everything! (#: Usually, Lee asks and gets me on first class anyway, but I felt like I was being a little sneaky!
Anyway, I'm sending my love home!
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